Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dear Ana,

30th post! YAY!

Yesterday, I found an equation that you can do to figure out how many calories you burn in one hour.
So for all you girls who count calories like I do, every hour, you can subtract a certain amount from your number!

Take your weight and multiply it by 10. Ill do the equation using my own weight as an example.

171.6 x 10 = 1716

Then add your weight to this number

1716 + 171.6 = 1887.6

This number is the amount of calories your body will burn in a day just by sitting around.
Then, divide this number by 24

1887.6 / 24 = 78.65

And this is your hourly rate.

When you eat, this number will rise and you'll burn even more calories. But I was too lazy to figure out that equation, so I'll just keep restricting and subtract 78.65 every hour.

Yesterday, I made it into the negative digits =] yay me!

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