Monday, February 7, 2011

Dear Ana,

I ate lunch at school today, so I'll credit that at about 950 calories.
It's been about two and a half hours since I ate, so, with the calories I burn hourly, I'm down to 706.
Not too bad.

I might be getting a job at a hardware store until I can get my CNA job, that way I can be making some money and paying my mom for the things I owe her. I hate having to pay for myself, but I also hate letting people pay for me... I just wish money wasn't needed and we could all live off the land like we did in the old ages lol.

I need to get more sleep from now on lol. I used to get up at 4:00 every morning to go to the gym. I realized that I didn't need to be up that early, so now it's 6:00. That's 2 extra hours of snooze-time =].
I just pushed doggy because he was sitting on my arm and making it difficult to type.

Serious poundage is about to be lost, girls.  I can just feel it in me bones!... or fatty areas that is.
I can't stand looking like this anymore. I'm watching the South Park where they make fun of mormons. and I absolutely love it because I live in a place where there's hardly anyone who isn't mormon.
You should look it up on Hulu if you haven't already seen it haha, it's called 'All about Mormons'

Have yourselves a good laugh. Stars know we all deserve it =]


  1. good luck with the job hunt, needing money blows! stay strong stay skinny:)

  2. If you don't wanna worry about money, win the lottery! That's my plan, but I am not doing well with it since I don't buy lottery tickets, oops.
