Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear Ana,

I'm not okay.
I need help so fucking badly it's insane.
Why is it that my sister can set her mind to starving and she can do it like a snap of her little fingers?
Wish I could do that... Like hell I wish.
Why can't I just fucking buckle down and get it fucking over with?
There's nothing worse in my world than being fat.

Today, Boyfriend and I were at the Mall.
As we walked past Victoria's Secret, I stared at the posters of all their perfect models, and right as I get to the prettiest one, Boyfriend says, "She's too skinny."
I'm like, What the hell?
I hadn't even said anything, and I just looked her up and down and said, "She is not too skinny."
Boyfriend argued for a little while, then gave up. Probably got bored with the dumb conversation.
He thinks that lots of girls are too skinny, and I have to wonder if he would pick on me when I got that skinny.

Trivial, I know. It really is. I know for a fact that he would still love me, and I would take the "too skinny" comments [ if he made them ] as compliments. I can't wait to hear myself being called too skinny.
I was naughty today and I was naughty yesterday... Story of my fucking life.
I hardly ever post about anything else.
I go through a short, but brutal, cycle which is as follows:

Plan to fast, fast for a couple hours, get hungry, eat, binge, feel terrible, repeat.

I can't even make it 24 fucking hours! Pathetic!
There's no way you can deny it. No possible way.
Most people can make it a lousy 24 hours, Not me, no way.
Not even one day.

On a happier note: Today's thinspo is......... *pause for drumroll* TATTOO


  1. Hi Ayden. Thanks for following me...following you right back!

    In response to your comment:

    I mostly just calorie count and exercise. My intake isn't as low as some of the other girls in this community, but I try to offset that with plenty of exercise.

    I haven't lost a significant amount and kept it off for about 2 years. I keep losing and gaining the same 10 lbs, so I'm not sure if I'm the right person to take advice from. But, when I was consistently losing weight...that's what I was doing...calorie counting and exercise, mostly running.


  2. I wish I could afford more tattoos. :/

    Sorry about your naughty days. We all have them. I haven't NOT binged on a Sunday since before Thanksgiving, I think.


  3. there are days when the "too skinny" jabs make you wanna shoot someone though
    when i get them on a day i feel fat i know i do
    but on days when you know you look good
    nothing is better

  4. Awww I understand. I couldn't fast for a day either! But I just kept trying and then I did it, and it felt so good. So just keep trying, and if you feel like you have to eat something, have some fruit or veggies. You'll get there!

  5. I don't have such luck - my bf loves skinnyskinny even though he tells me that's what I am and he loves my body :( I KNOW that if I lost weight he'd be more proud to show me off to his friends.

    Let's buckle down together love, c'mon, we can do it! x

  6. I cant fast for a day..Not since about two years ago... I made it all the way to dinner once! I want to get back my self-control and will power!
    Thanks for following me!
    Stay Strong, will power will come with time and hard work and we will get it back together!
