Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bad News.

I gained 10 lbs... Yeah, you read that right, 10.
The whole 'control myself' thing hasn't worked out so great for the past few weeks.
I almost made it 24 hours without food yesterday, but then around 5 I had a bowl of chili with toast and cheese.
Then this morning I made an egg, bacon, cheese english muffin sandwich.
Then I had 3 cookies...

So Shameful.

The good news??
I got a new job, which pays more than my old job, and so I'm getting my gym membership back.
Going to go erryday. No exceptions.
I won't live like this anymore.
Time to get my ass in gear and just do it already

Super mega thinspo time! since I have been away for so long


  1. I've gained too. I'm trying to undo it all again but it's easier said than done. Hopefully the new job and gym membership will help you get back on track.

  2. Dont give up! I gained 34 pounds between last September and this august (wtf right?) and now I'm down 16 and it feels so good to be going in the right direction. You can totally lose that 10 again :) I love this thinspo, especially the one about laping people on the couch hahaha

    you can do this

  3. Never give up!! I've been gaining like crazy this past month. :/

    Hope the new job is going well!! I miss your posts. <3
