Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm back... Hopefully for good.

Hey all. I know I haven't been on at all for quite a few months now, and here are the reasons.
--I started college, proving that the idea of the 'freshman fifteen' is definitely a true one...
--Because of the 'freshman fifteen' I shot past my previous highest weight and am now at a hideous
--Because of my weight gain, I've been too ashamed to get on here. I would assume that my constant
   failure to lose, and then small loss, and then another failure, would get tedious to read.

As for the 194 weight, however, I'm not sure that that's exactly the number.
About 3 days ago, I decided to try an ALL protein diet. I've been faithful to it, and I'm hoping to see changes in 4 days when I weigh myself.
The idea of this diet is to keep my body in a practically constant state of ketosis, an idea which I loved hearing, so now, I'm trying it.

I also applied for a new job, which I'm crossing my fingers for, because the company has an on site gym. My friend and I have been taking walks nearly every night for the past week or so, and the walks usually last between one and two hours.

I know how yo-yo dieting works. You begin, confident that you will stick with it and lose the weight. Then the middle rolls around, where you're going to family gatherings, weddings and dinners, which springs temptation into your face, and suddenly your walls begin to waver. Now, it is here, that one of two paths must be followed:

Ditch the diet, and risk gaining back all of that disgusting weight, so that you can have the doughnut that is taunting you from the buffet table.


Stick with it, and lose more weight, leaving the doughnut behind, and instead, go home feeling light and wonderful...

Unfortunately, the former is the one that usually wins with me... Instant gratification is, more often than not, too much temptation for me to resist.

Which is why I've become so very motivated...
I'm angry with myself for giving up... See, I never do that.
So this diet WILL stick. There is no punishment planned for if I fail, because failure is simply not an option. I can already feel myself slipping into my size 1 jeans and shopping for bathing suits.

This time, success is so damned close that I can smell it, and there is no way in hell that I'm going to let it get away from me.


  1. just keep imagining your success over and over. best of luck, don't give up! :)

  2. I'm glad you're back :-)

    xo Jenn

  3. babe, you can't ever disappoint us.
    post on here if you want to. i actually read your blog back to front and i adore it.
    i hope you do see a difference then, okay? i was where you are and even higher, but we all go down! ^_^
    yes, babe.
    your motivation is sexy. ;)
    okay. so we're here for ya, okay, babe?
    post as often as you want! we love hearing your voice out, <3.
    -Sam Lupin

    1. Thank you, Sam =] That really means a lot to me!

  4. So good to hear from you :) you can do this!
