Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So, at my gym, upon signing up for a membership, you get a free fitness assessment
I had mine today, and so I now also have my measurements and BMI, none of which I knew before. So, here it goes.

Waist: 37
Abdomen: 38
Hips: 44
Right Bicep: 13.5
Left Bicep: 14
Right Thigh: 23.5
Left Thigh: 23.25

Weight, as of today: 185.2
Body Fat % : 38.9%
Body Fat Weight: 72 lbs
Lean Weight [Muscle]: 113.2 lbs
Water Weight: 84.2 lbs
Protein/Mineral Weight: 29 lbs

None of these numbers please me... At All... I mean, I'm glad that I'm down a bit more, but I wish I had never gotten up to this point in the first place, ya know?
I wish I was where some of the girls on blogger are - i.e. 130 lbs and still thinking they're fat... Or even better, 120 lbs and thinking they're fat...-
I wish I had the right to call those numbers big ones.
One of my legs probably weighs that much.

In the fitness profile, there's a section where the person who did the assessment could leave comments. The lady that did mine said this:

"Ayden, as you can see in the graph above, your body fat score is in the 'Needs Improvement' category. You should consider talking to a health professional about a program that will help you lose 24 to 30 lbs of body weight."

Of course, I want to lose WAY more than 30 lbs, but the fact is that my body fat percentage is in the obese category... That fucking disgusts and crushes me!
I NEVER thought I would be here... In fact, when I was a kid I was afraid of becoming this.
I made it a point to say that I  never would become this.
And I have...


  1. Hey,

    Props to you for going out and getting your gym thing started. It's going to help speed the process for you. And, I know what you mean about the other girls on Blogger saying they're "120" and still feel fat.

    Everyone has body images I guess, of themselves. At least you're making a change. It's alright to feel upset about it right now. That's what's going to drive you to change. ((at least, that's what I tell myself too))

    Im blogging as well, very similar situation as you. Also, the lady who "commented" on your weight is probably just trying to sell you a gym program.

    Head up. Stay strong.

  2. I know that the assessment hurt you and upset your greatly, but please don't let this demotivate you-allow it to motivate you more! Can you somehow do monthly assessments where you will see your numbers shrink? I think holding yourself accountable for something like that would really help you!

    <3 stay strong love

  3. You sound done :-) that makes me so excited for you. I remember when I was done, and I'm SO GLAD I documented that moment with number and pictures. There is nothing better than looking back at those first posts (when I was REALLY done). Ya, I still want to loose more. I reached my goal and went up a bit so I'm still forever working on it. But I will never go back to that "done" point. You are ready and you're going to make it happen! How exciting, and keep track. It won't take long. You can loose 10 pounds a month and be there (a comfortable place in the 130's) by Christmas. What a gift!! xoxoxo

  4. You are so brave to have that full assessment done! I probably would have been terrifed and run away. I hate to think what percentage of body fat I have (I have a tendency to imagine my body as a giant blob of fat-covered bones, with no muscle whatsoever. lol).

    Just remember, everyone has to start somewhere. And the gym peeps have no idea what kind of struggle you go through with food, weight, etc. Keep your chin up, girlie! : ) And congrats on going to the gym, too. Makes me feel guilty for being a lazy ass.

  5. It doesn't matter where you are now, it matters where you go from here. You can change those numbers hun and that assessment will be something you can look back on and use as a measure of how far you have come :)
    Alice xx

  6. Well done for getting to the gym and getting that sorted! And now you have a base to work from. I know it's horrible seeing the numbers for the first time (mine are higher, so take solace in that), but now you've got something to start with :) good luck - we can all do this! x

  7. *Hugs* I only ever had ONE bodyshape assessment, and never showed up for the next. Some things you just DON'T need to know about yourself!

    Now you know what needs to be done and what your starting point is, you can begin working on it. If the bodyfat percentage freaks you out most, you can work on building muscle to change your bodycomp. Skinny people who don't have much muscle can still have a very high percentage of fat on them even though they don't look like they do! (Skinnyfit VS Skinnyfat)

    Love you <3
