Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dear Ana,

Hey, all.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I have changed my SUPER GOAL weight to 110 pounds.

116 just seems like too much. And besides that, it's a number that does not end in 0 or 5.

Blame my BFF, J. She is obsessed with the volume on the television. She puts it on like 15 or 20, and say I change it to like 21 or 22 while she's in the bathroom, she WILL know. Haha I don't know how she does it, but she can tell.

And so, her obsession has rubbed off on me.

Lowering the poundage only one pound sounded a bit pointless... I mean, why go for 115 when I could go for 110?

It's a bit more, but if I can even get down in that area in the first place, I think it's possible.
I received my miracle pills..


They are my savior... They have weird side effects, but, those side effects make me less likely to eat, so overall, I'm okay with them.

I have been taking them for 6 days, now, and for the past 2 or 3 days, I have had an extremely scarce appetite. I have only eaten twice today, and both times, I was unable to finish the meal. It has been this way for the past couple days. I feel overly full much sooner than I normally do.

I'm still too scared to weigh, though. I kind of want to be sure that I'll see results before I pull out the scale...

On a different note, I have been feeling like a complete failure lately.
After going to my final CNA clinical and seeing all of the dying, elderly people, I realized that I could have been doing something to help them long before this.

I hate seeing all of those sweet people helpless and dying, and being unable to prevent, or even put off, the inevitable.

It makes me so thankful that my grandparents are so healthy. My grandmother just got back surgery, like only two months ago, and she's already out of the rehabilitation facility, and back at home. She is a fast healer.

It makes me wonder why some people don't stay close to their families. You may not get along ALL the time, but you never know when the words you just said, will be the last words from you they hear.

Even when my mother and I are fighting, I still say that I love her before she leaves the room, or the house, just because I know that it's true, and that everything will be resolved in only a short while.

On an even different-er note.

I HATE the paranormal activity movies. The first one was boring, and stupid, and I just hate that they're making a second one... This time, they're including a baby and a dog... BIG CHANGES.

Only not.

This is a super rant lol. My cat is yelling at me because I'm not petting him at the moment lol. And my dogs are all barking out in the other room because they dislike being in a room in which there are no people haha.

I love my pets =]


The pills I got also came with a 3 day detox thing. So basically, since I've been taking them, I have had the shits... bad.

The phrase "never trust a fart" has never held so much meaning to me.
Pooping is not a sport I would like to take part in this frequently... I mean, come on. I had no clue that my bowels could hold so much...

Sorry for the TMI.

I'm watching South Park lol... Cartman eats Vagisil to give himself short-term memory loss... He's an idiot. lol

I would really rather just skip this entire weight loss process and just wake up skinny tomorrow...

OOO have any of you ever heard of the HGC or HCG diet? I can't remember which it is.

It's like they take the hormones from pregnant women's urine and they inject it into you like heroin. And then, since pregnant women's metabolism is keeping two people alive, they lose weight. But there's a catch. They're not allowed to eat more than 500 calories per day.

The weight LITERALLY just falls off them. They lose like 5 pounds every 2 days.

One of my teachers did it, and she is SOOO skinny now.

Only there's another catch... Lately, in Utah, there have been people who are lacing the hormone shots with cocaine.

So the weight falls off faster, and they begin to have withdrawal symptoms, and, they die.

So you can basically not tell for a while that you're shooting up with coke.. and then it's too late.

So FYI, DON'T use this diet.

I'd prefer that you stay alive lol

PleaseAndThankyou XD


  1. im really gonna have to get hose pills sometime i need new pills
    and dude if paranomral activity was real how did they make a sequel like really i never saw the first one but it baffles me
    but neway no doing that ocke diet thing that is just crazy

  2. this was the best post ever!! loved the randomness :)
    my UGW is 110 too! we can have a big party when we both get down there haha. we WILL do it.
    that urine diet is weird but slightly intriguing lol. i would never go there but 5lb in 2 days? sheesh.
    stay strong xx

  3. Hey how much did Lipofuze cost? Was it hard to find?
    I need something now... lol
    I wish my pets were ess annoying too! haha
    good luck with everything hun
