Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dear Ana,

Still haven't eaten anything.. I suppose I should be happy, but as the day wears on, I get more and more bored and closer to binging.
I really want to stay strong. If any of you have been reading my sister's blog lately, you know she's being rather successful at losing... Well, that's all good and fun for her, but I'm extremely competitive, and I don't like losing at anything... I always want to lose more weight than she does, so the fact that she's losing so much weight in so little a time is making me hate food all the more.

I guess this can be a good thing if I look at it the right way... I just find it hard to be motivated and not jealous.

Boyfriend is coming back inside.. got to go


  1. Stay strong, don't binge. Use your sister as motivation, no matter how jealous you might feel. <3

  2. ive been dong enough bingin for teh botho fus so u don thave to binge
    stays trong

  3. I know the sister-losing-weight-feeling!!! LEt it motivate you, stay strong!!

  4. thanks for your comment sweetie...means allot. the thing is that they believe its a choice no matter how much i have explained it to them..they are dogmatic!
    i think the competition aspects good...and the fact you both are trying to lose motivate each other...
    keep strong sweetie.
