Thursday, May 19, 2011


I have been gone for far far far too long!
I work five hours a day, then I go to school for five hours.
That's a ten hour day.
So, by the time I get home, I'm pretty much wiped out.

And needless to say, I've been terribly terrible. I'm back up to 175...
I hate this fucking plateau I'm on.
I eat and eat and eat, and then I'm too tired to work out because of how long my days are.
So... Something's gotta give.

I'm so sorry for leaving you guys. I hate not having this community/family to turn to whenever my day is shitty or if I feel like I'm about to binge.
I have 7 patients.
I know that doesn't seem like very much, but when you have to find a way to see all 7 before 1:30 in time for school, it's more than I can handle.
God, I can't wait to graduate. Then I can go to work and get done and just go home.

I've also been sick for the past week.
I get sick too damn much.

I owe you guys some major comments, so I'm going to do that right after this...


  1. im sorry that u have been so busy hun

  2. I'm sorry that you schedule keeps you from the community. I know how that goes, but we'll always be here waiting no matter what. Keep strong <3

    I love your thinspo!

  3. I have to agree with Kitty, you always find great thinspo - Im a bit of a newbie, I haven't quite worked out how to put it one my page :-( so mine's all boring and not prettyful like urs!
