Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dear Ana,

I've been bad. Really bad.
But I doubt any of you are surprised.
I basically said "fuck off" to the diet and kicked it out on its happy ass.
Now I'm floating between daily binges and intermittent fasting... the fasting only lasts a few hours though.
I'm in such bad shape.
I went out and bought yet more pills. Hopefully these ones will help me more than the others. It's pure Hoodia. Which is a rare cactus whose extract is supposed to cause extreme appetite suppression.
Which is exactly what I need. Since I have no self control whatsoever, that is.
I've been adding more and more vitamins into my diet, and I've been drinking like 2 quarts of water daily. I know it needs to be more, but whatevs. I'll work up to it gradually.
Best friend is having another baby, and I've developed that 'aching-empty-womb' feeling.

Now it's going to be back to diet drinks and tons o' pills.
I have tons of caffeine pills, green tea pills, ephedra pills, now hoodia, and spiralina, which is supposedly like pure protein. We'll see about that.
I just need to get my fat ass in gear.
Summer is here.
Did I meet my goals?
Am I surprised?
Not in the least.
And that's really depressing. I should have at least been expecting to reach my goals. But no, I was only hanging them out to dry and then reapplying them to the backs of my eyelids to look at like fancy window dressings.

I know I can do this... I just don't know how to make myself behave. Punishing myself doesn't work for shit, and rewards don't work either since if I'm able to give it to myself, I can get it now.
The one reward that I can't have until I'm skinny, though, are the red leopard print jeans in my closet.
the size 7.
I do want to be smaller than that, but I'd like to use them as a marking point.
So I took two Hoodia pills about an hour or two ago, and I'm hoping I don't get hungry.
I'm not right now, so that's a good sign.

I owe you guys a super huge ginormous lovely thinspiration since I abandoned you for such a long time. I was honestly ashamed to show my face here *figuratively speaking, of course* because of how horrid I've been lately. But that's over now. I'm turning over a new leaf and starting anew.



It turns out that my Hoodia pills DO work =D
I was starving, and I made myself some oatmeal with blueberries, and I couldn't even eat one serving!
I'm so happy!!!
Love you girls =]
I'm off to bed, I'll try to get on and read and comment tomorrow, once I get off work.
Sleep well, lovelies!

-------------------EDIT... AGAIN------------

Thank you guys for all your wonderful comments on my last post. I was really sick, but I'm all better now thanks to your lovely thoughts =]
I love you all!


  1. I remember that! The binge-starve cycle. I actually went without eating for days and then would throw out all away in the span of only one binge! Fuck, never reverting back into that cycle. I told myself if I was going to fast, I'll only do it for one day at a time, gradually building up.
    I want hoodia pills. XD. Are they over-the-counter? I sure hope so.
    <3 <3 <3
    Hope it'll be easier for you to get back on track, sweetie!
    Oatmeal is a binge food for me, completely off limits right now.

  2. so happy to hear your fresh on the motivation again! :D btw those jeans sound incredible!!! lol much love and be strong. xxx

  3. i hate those cycles
    stay strong hun and safe

  4. I understand you :( be strong and can do everything!

    By the way, I really like your style, it's unique and I read your blog so often and I just wonder..if we could follow each other.. But even if your answer is “no” I’ll be still your reader ♥

    with love,

  5. Im starting to get that aching womb feeling too and im not enjoying it lol :/
    Dont worry you can push through the cycle :)
    Hoodia sounds like a good idea, i might look into it x

  6. I'm glad you're posting again!! (And glad you're feeling better. <3)

    Aching womb at your age?!? ....then again, I shouldn't talk. I'm reaching the point where I SHOULD be getting aching-empty-womb and yet whenever I see a pregnant woman I shudder and have to look away.

    Careful with the diet pills! Most of those "Hoodia" supplements aren't hoodia at all, as actual hoodia is an endangered plant now or something... Just make sure to keep hydrated. <3 Hope you can break the cycle. Hope I can as well--that binge-fast-binge-fast rut is a killer.

