Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dear Ana,

I did pretty well yesterday, aside from the fact that I didn't weigh yesterday, or the day before.
I meant to. I really did. But my best friend called me up crying and needed me to go over there, so I did. I ended up staying the night there, so I didn't get to.

Today so far: I've had raisin bran [260] and tea [0]
Good start, I need to take my pills and drink more water, but I still think I'm doing relatively well.
I found out that I fit into a pair of pants that I never thought I'd fit. They don't have regular sizes, so I have no idea what size they would be... I'd say either a nine or an eleven.

Meanwhile, I have possibly the sleepiest sister on the face of the earth.
She's signed up for night school so she can sleep as long as she wants. Which is usually somewhere around two or three in the afternoon. And then she'll wake up for a few hours and go back to sleep.

Also, thank you all for your support on my previous post. You're all right. I can't depend on my sister or anyone but myself to help me. And even though it is really hard, I'm going to do it myself.
If any of you have any advice or tips, though, I'd greatly appreciate whatever you have.

I may update later, depending on how my day goes =]
Thinspo Time!!!

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