Monday, August 22, 2011

Dear Ana,

Down to 162.9!!!
I'm getting closer to goal #4!
Today, so far I've had my left over pad thai from dinner last night.
Boyfriend calls it peanut butter noodles... I call it delicious =]
I've been taking my pills more faithfully and drinking a ton more water... Granted, this has only been for the past few days, but I'm progressing lol.
I'm currently in my mother's fifth grade classroom teaching an art class. She wants me to come in and do it every day, but I have no idea what I'm going to do every day =/
I'd run out of things to do and they'd either end up repeating themselves, or I'd run out of things to teach them.
I can't do a THinspo this time, as there are little kids running around everywhere. I'll make it up to you and post a super long one either later today or tomorrow.
Love you guys!


  1. AHH so proud of you!! You must be looking better and better every day :) keep it up girlie

  2. woot woot! congrats :) Can't wait till I can say I weigh that too!
