Sunday, July 8, 2012

Out of Control...

As the title suggests, my life is becoming completely and totally out of control. I cannot do anything to change my circumstances, because they all revolve around everyone except me.

Yes, I know how conceited and self-centered that sounds, but just listen... or read in your case.

My sister has completely changed. I can't say much with respect to that, just in case she decides to read my blog and sees some truths she might not like.
One of my dogs bit my friends baby today, and, since I'm not the parent of the child, I can't do anything about disciplining him against stepping on my dogs, or hitting me, and hitting my dogs. So I pretty much am expected to allow her to parent her child any way she wants, which would be understandable, if they weren't living in my house, where my dogs live. Her kid likes to slap the dogs, and he uses them as stepping stools, and because her dog is okay with being stepped on, he thinks its okay to step on everyone's dog. My dog is not okay with being stepped on, and so he bit the child. I would have done the same thing if someone stepped on me. But I'm expected to be angry at my dog for something that was her kid's fault.

These are only two of the circumstances that I'm stressed about, there would be more to that paragraph, but since I can't go into detail regarding my sister, there is not.
I wish I never would have shown her my blog, or helped her to make hers, because now, she can see everything I write.

I bought a new journal today, and have yet to write in it.
I've received one of my raspberry ketone orders, but the other is still M.I.A.

I haven't weighed, but since I ended the juice fast, I have resumed eating terribly.

My boyfriend and I are going on a trip next weekend, where to, we haven't decided, but I want to be at least 5 lbs lighter by then... I don't think that's too much to ask.

He also continues to indulge in his love of junk food, of which he always buys enough for me to have some too.... Which, bless his heart, but I wish he wouldn't. If he only bought enough for himself, I would have an easier time saying no. He bought a dozen doughnuts day before yesterday, of which I've had two...

I'll blog again later, I just wanna check on that raspberry ketone order.

1 comment:

  1. I wish people could learn how to raise their damn kids! I'm sorry, but I have a cat (huge animal lover) and can't stand it when kids have no respect for her. I am sorry about your sister. Mine is also hard to deal with because ever since she moved away she doesn't really talk to me anymore. And as for the junk food... terrible. I can't have as much though because of the gluten. I like your blog and hope to hear more from you! I will definitely update on the new diet plan. Stay strong xx
    All my support,
    <3 A Fragile Heart
