Friday, August 3, 2012

Comment Replies [I'll Update Later]

Moonlight Mistress: Yeah, I think that must be it, like my body is just getting used to the meds being in my system. I had never had my thyroid checked... I don't think. But it was kind of discouraging to find out that, at 19, I already have a rest-of-my-life condition, ya know?? But I'll get over it in time lol
My new job will be doing firewall protection for Guthy Renker [ they do infomercials ]
It sounds ridiculously easy, and the fact that I won't have to deal with their customers is an added bonus.

Quiet Battle: Yeah, I really like having energy now. Yesterday, [ you know how I was gonna get my nails done and get new workout clothes ] I did all of that and was done before noon. I feel like, since I don't need as much sleep, I have soooo much more time on my hands lol. Yeah, the nail tearing is ridiculous. Every time I stop getting my nails done, I'm convinced that I can keep myself from picking at them, I haven't picked at them in months, so i won't now. And like a week later, they're torn to shit and I'm starting the process all over again. It's a pain in the butt. Especially since my mother and boyfriend have weeded that out as my "tell"
They can tell that I'm anxious or that something is wrong just because I'm tearing at my nails, so hiding emotions is extremely hard around my house.

Alice May: I really do hope that that gets fixed lol, I wonder if that's happening to anyone else with my blog... weird. And Thanks for the intake compliment! I have a hard time being okay with any intake, really, and it's nice to know that at least someone thinks I'm doing a good job. Yeah, the gym membership is really useful as a tool, especially since I don't like going out for runs, cars driving by and looking at me running [or struggling to run, which is usually the case] is embarrassing to say the least lol. I'm excited to start going again, now I just needa figure out which one to go to lol.

Peri: I do the thing with scabs too. In some ways I think that that one is worse than nail picking/biting, because it is [to me, anyway] more satisfying. The blood, I mean. I know it's sadistic, but when I'm picking at something, the sight of blood tells me that I've gotten rid of it, and I can calm down. You listen to MSI!!! I've listened to them for years! All their music is really good workout music, since I don't think they have a single slow song lol. I'll definitely look into doing NaNo this year. Is there an official website I can go to, to sign up?


  1. Hello.
    I was hoping you would follow my blog.
    I recently got back on here.
    I used to be on here way back in 2009/2010.
    But a lot happened in my life.
    Stayy strong hunny.

  2. I have so many scars from the scab-pickage, I hate it. It does feel so satisfying to get rid of the scab. Instant stress-be-gone. Blood not so much. Maybe henna instead?

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE You're the first person I've found besides my old flatties who listed to MSI!! :D They actually introduced me to it, what legends!

    Do it. Dooo iiiiit. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us!

