Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thyroid Meds, Job Info, and New Things... And comment replies

I have been awake since 4:52 this morning when my dog got me up having to go potty.
I planned, originally, to go back to sleep.
But I know now that I cannot. I have never had this much energy before. It was hard to go to sleep last night, and I must've fallen asleep around 12 or 1 in the morning, and then waking up this early and having all this energy?

This has literally never happened to me before.
Even when I used to get up at 5:30 every morning to go to the gym, I was half asleep until some point between putting my stuff in the locker room, and climbing the stairs to the workout floor.
Right now, I'm sitting still only because:
(A) I've run out of clean clothes to work out in, and not only that, the clothes I have worked out in in the past were not mine. None of them.
(B) All of the stores at which I could buy my own workout clothes are closed because it's only 6:30.

I don't remember the last time I had this much time on my hands lol

So, today, I'm going out and buying myself my first workout clothes that are actually mine. I'm going to buy the workout clothes first, then go and get my nails done, because my anxiety is back full force, and my real nails are torn down to the beds.
I will explain:
While most people bite their nails, I pick and tear at them, sometimes until they bleed, and usually as a nervous-habit/coping mechanism type thing.
I want to get my nails done because I think my fingers are too short without long nails, and I'm incapable of letting my nails grow.
Solution: Acrylic, Not tear-able nails =^.^=

So I'm kind of treating myself before I start my job on the 10th
And, during training, I'll be working longer than normal work hours, so time will be scarce, and I dunno if this energy is really a result of the Thyroid medication kicking in, or if I'm just having a random burst that will expire and leave me sleepy in a few hours.
Still can't tell, but at the moment, I don't care.

I just need to bide my time until the store opens and I can finally get my clothes, and then move on to the nail salon =]
I enjoy having something to do during the day lol

I didn't eat yesterday until around 6:00, when I consumed 1119 calories. In one sitting.
Still under my limit, but still... In ONE sitting???
That was all I ate yesterday, because I don't even really like going over 1,000.

Annnnd, with my first paycheck from the new job, I will be opening up a new gym membership =]
And going EVERY DAY before work, NOT after

Days off, I haven't completely decided yet. During training, I'll have weekends off, which will be the only time I'll have to see my boyfriend since he works so early during the week and has to go to bed early as a result.
I want to work out during my days off, but at the same time, I don't.
I don't know... I'll figure it out.

Comment Replies:

Tempest: Thanks for the encouragement, girl. It's not that they give the hormone credit for the weight loss, it's that the hormone causes you to not want food during the diet, because it releases your fat stores and lets your body consume that, so, really, you're getting somewhere near 4,000 calories a day, but it's through the consumption of your abnormal fat stores, and the only reason that you're required to eat the 500 calories is so that you won't go deficient in minerals, vitamins, proteins and the likes, but all of your fat needs are coming from your body. So people can go on 500 calories per day without feeling hungry at all, and not people like us, who are used to restricting to an amount close to there anyway. So I'm not crediting the weight loss solely to the hormone, it's the No-Hunger thing that entices me. lol

Peri: I have never heard of pretending to be running from zombies lol, but I imagine that it would definitely make the run more interesting lol. I've done that with the bikes, not to that particular song, but with similar ones, and not even to challenge myself. It's because I'm slightly/insanely OCD and if there is a pattern to beats, I need to make my feet match those beats. I do the same thing with walking, if the song is fast, I have to run to match the beat.. I'm weird, lol, I know.
I don't think the compliment was undeserved at all
And yeah, it sucked hard. I am still writing the same story, takes place along the Multiverse theory, where there are multiple universes, only in mine, those universes are not parallel to ours. The universe in question is completely different, Magic exists, and all that jazz. Fantasy/Romance is definitely my favorite genre to write. And the losing of my story is kind of a funny one. I'm a UFO fanatic, and I was looking at this one site, and I clicked on a "Top Secret" link that was FBI and CIA files that were made available to the public, and suddenly, my computer just shuts down.
I hadn't backed up my story or anything. And I have never done NaNoWriMo, in fact I had never even heard of it until I saw that abbreviation on someone's blog and got curious.. It was either yours or Posie's. I'll definitely check into it though =]

Clytie: I was leaning toward weekly weigh-ins too, but not because of the muscle inflammation thing, in fact, I didn't even know that that happened until you just told me lol. I was gonna do it weekly because daily is so very up and down and discouraging if you don't see a loss, ya know? But if you're doing weekly weigh-ins and you're still not losing, or are gaining, then you know it's not just a normal fluctuation, but that you're actually gaining. Thanks for the new info, girl!! and for the congrats on the job =]

A Quiet Battle: You're very welcome =] the love is very much deserved! and thank you! I'm way excited to start earning money again lol.

And, with that, I bid you a temporary adieu.


  1. I just might be the meds balancing everything out. I've had my thyroid levels check a few years back and everythign was normal. I'm thinking now that I need to get them checked again because I'm always exhaused and it's really starting to affect my live in a negative way. Thyroid problems run in my mom to be exact and her troubles didn't start until she was in her late 20's, too.

    What will you be doing at your new job?


  2. Sorry for all the typos in my last comment. -__-


  3. Wow, can I have some of that energy?! haha! What a good feeling, though!

    And I do the same thing! The nail picking and tearing. It's an anxiety thing for me, definitely. I'll pick at the nails and cuticles until my hands look like a hot mess.

  4. Hey gorgeous! For some reason your posts haven't been coming up my blog list... maybe I was not following properly? Sorry about that! Hopefully it's fixed, I thought you had just not been posting!
    Good intake for today hun! I wish I had a gym membership, that would be so useful. Great plan, you are absolutely going to get where you want to be :)
    Alice xx

  5. I'm a stress-chewer (and scab picker, ick) so I feel your nail-damage pain. Yay acrylics! Get the industrial-strength ones, they work a charm :D

    Yay new clothes! :D

    Maybe eating that much in one go was because it was the first thing you'd had all day? When you fast or restrict your body goes into autonomous eat-mode which makes you overeat when you do eat, because it thinks you've finally killed a mammoth or something after a long time of bad hunting and it NEEDS to stock up -.-

    Oooh you run in time to the music, too? I have my cardio playlist sorted into "bike" and "crosstrainer" songs with different BPM so I don't go too slow on the bike or too fast on the crosstrainer >.< Buch Dich by Remmstein is a GREAT biking song! Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence and Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas are my favourite running songs.

    Fucking troll site that one was! Noooooo! Story!! Ok, you MUST do NaNo this year. YOU MUST. Lets do it together! I have another stupidly ambitious idea in the same universe as my last two NaNos XD This is gonna be great! I'm "Vienn" on there. With a waffle pic. Add me?

    There are good recorders and bad ones. I want one with a deeper sound, the high-pitched ones hurt my ears (and miles can't hear them)

    I took the meds on Monday. If I had overdosed badly today would have been the day everything turned to shit. Not turning into s Simpson so things must be all good!

    HobbitShawl pic is coming. Wow you live in a desert area? How do you survive the heat? Hmm maybe ultra-fine laceweight cotton for you with a big open pattern? I'd prefer to go bamboo but the process of turning the plant onto usable fibre assrapes the environment something fierce. Or maybe just something to hang on the wall? That is probably what will happen to this one :/

    Take care and have a great weekend <3
