Friday, August 3, 2012


I want it to be Autumn already... I'm so so so so so sick of the desert-dry heat here. It's ridiculous. The AVERAGE summer day here is like 97 degrees Farenheit [I dunno the celsius version] but it's hot.... And sweaty and miserable and I'm sicksicksick of it.

I miss the leaves turning colors
And big hoodies
And sleeping WITH the covers
And snow
And 45 degree HEAVEN

But, I'm determined, [I feel more now than ever] to be substantially thinner by the equinox
I have a month and a half to DO this.
I know I've made progress, and continue to do so, I just really want to see big results by then. I don't know how much weight I'm capable of losing by then, but I hope it's a lot.

I got my gym membership, by the way =]
I kind of want to go tonight, but at the same time, I just wanna go tomorrow morning.
Because then, it's like I'm beginning my routine. I'm training myself to be comfortable with waking up early [and not just when the dog has to poo and I can't go back to sleep afterward]
And I need to make it a habit to go to the gym in the mornings, because that's how it has to be with work n everything.

I'm so excited to wear my cute new workout clothes tomorrow morning =D
And the gym routine is just so fun. Listening to my music and getting into the zone with my workout, forgetting all my surroundings and just going... I can't wait

Monday is my weigh-in, and I'm nervous/excited to see how I've done.
I love you girls!
I'll try to update again tomorrow to let you know how much I burned and stuff like that.


  1. Excessive hot weather SUCKS. It's still winter here, do you want bare-tree pics?

    Go for .5kg-1kg a week so your body doesn't freak out and try to gain it all back as soon as it can and youc an ensure it's all fat and not nice energy-burning muscle mass you lose. (It's what I've been doing, 2kg/month and it's working even if it's a bit slow at the start)

    Oh man, gym before work? That's some SERIOUS motivation I hear going on over there! I'm too lazy to get out of bed that early unless there is some form of immediate positive incentive :/

    OMG NO CUSTOMER CONTACT??? That sounds like a dream come true! Bitch I be so jelly my blood is pure pectin :p

    If you can yarn over and knit two together you can do lace, the only problem after that is following the charts and not fscking up. I deliberately cut my most major cock-up out of that shawl pic, lol! Oh well, it was at the very edge so it's not that noticeable. Buy that point I CBF ripping it out to fix it up so I just kept going. Knitting helps you get over perfectionism issues. . .

    I hope you had a good sleep and bast of luck for your weigh-in. Remember that scales are trolling fuckwads and keep your head up :)

    Love you <2

  2. Aw I like the heat better than the cold, I don't really like summer clothes though.... I like jeans and coats and boots and scarves... I just get too cold though!

    Good luck with the gym in the morning, I know what you mean about (trying) to run with cars watching lol, so embarassing, I can't even go for walk without idiots yelling and beeping etc. I work out at home now. Excited to hear how your weigh in goes! :)
    Alice xx

  3. Thanks for following my blog! Good luck with your weight loss, you can do it!!

  4. I can really only work out in the mornings because I'm always so tired when I get home from work that I can never work up the motivation.

    I hate getting up at 5 AM to work out, but I ALWAYS feel better once I'm actaully out there doing it.

